The Excursion Deposit is non-refundable (unless your Application for Enrollment is not accepted or the Tour does not proceed).
Cancellations made with more than 90 days written notice prior to departure – Full Refund minus a $600 cancellation fee
Cancellations received more than 45 days and less than 90 days written notice prior to departure – Refund of 50% of Tour Price
Cancellations received with 45 days or less written notice prior to departure, or after ticket issue – Nil Refund
Cancellations received after Departure – Nil Refund
Written notification of cancellation should be sent by email to
With respect to cancellation of confirmed tours in the event of perceived threats, heightened risks, natural calamities and the like, claims for refunds may be made through travel insurance. Insurance generally covers refunds in these circumstances if the New Zealand / Australia government issues a “do not travel” and flights are banned etc. IF it is a discretionary decision to cancel however, insurance does NOT cover refunds.
However, ABBEY has agreed favourable payment / settlement terms with most of its suppliers. This means that Abbey can refund some of the tour moneys paid. This obviously depends on the time to departure. For example, airfare balances are due usually 6 – 8 weeks prior to departure and then we would request refunds from the airline etc.