ABBEY Language Travel and Sustainable Practices
ABBEY Language Travel recognises the need to conserve and protect the natural environment for the benefit of the planet and its people. Sustainable and ethical travel is high on the priority list when formatting overseas tours for students. It is ABBEY Language Travel’s duty to promote and encourage the best practices on tour and it is recommended that students be conscious and mindful of travel consumerism and its impacts upon Earth. ABBEY Language Travel is committed to ensuring emissions are kept to a minimum through maintaining best and recommended practices in the office and out in the field.
Making conscious decisions to conserve and protect the natural environment:
ABBEY Language Travel is aware and proactive in terms of maintaining low carbon emissions. Head office has invested in solar panels and has an electric car for all transportation needs. Recycling is a must within the office and low plastic consumption is encouraged. Water usage is kept to a minimum and eco-friendly alternatives in the kitchen and bathrooms have replaced toxic chemicals.
On tour, public transport is the main mode of transport which significantly decreases our carbon footprint, as well as allows students and staff a unique and involved experience with the respective country. In addition, ABBEY Language Travel is an online booking service which reduces wastage of material objects; for example, all student flight and attraction tickets are online E-tickets.
ABBEY Language Travel strongly encourages students to take reusable water bottles to prevent the unnecessary purchasing of single-use water bottles in countries where water is safe to drink from the tap. In addition, students
and staff are offered the option of eating vegetarian and vegan, and restaurants are chosen to include these needs, due to the environmental damages the meat and dairy industries are having upon our Earth.
ABBEY Language Travel is always looking for ways to improve its practices and have the natural environment high on its priority list.
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
Written by Georgina Winchester, full-time arts/politics student at Melbourne University & part-time social media marketer for Abbey Language Travel